How can I participate in the auction?

For your convenience, please open and print these easy step-by-step directions:
Auction Directions in PDF format

STEP ONE - Create your Go Daddy account
(If you already have one, skip to Step Two.)

1. Go to

2. Click the blue words "Create Account" in the upper left corner of the screen

3. Follow the instructions to create your account.

4. Take note of your customer number and password.

STEP TWO - Become a Go Daddy Auctions member (If you're already an Auctions member, skip to Step Three.)

1. Go to and Log In.

2. Select
All Products > Auctions > Become a Member.

3. Below the "1 year: $4.99/yr" option, select the orange
Add to Cart button.

4. If you receive a page listing additional Go Daddy products, scroll down and click the grey
No Thanks button.

5. Review your shopping cart contents and click the green
Continue to Checkout button.

6. Complete your Go Daddy Auctions membership transaction.

STEP THREE - Join the Auction

1. Go to and Log In if necessary.

2. Under “All Products” go to “Auctions” and select “Browse Inventory”.

3. In the big “Find Your Domain” box, type in and click the green GO button.

4. The domain name will appear in the Search Results where you can place your bid.

5. You may be required to enter your customer number and password again to bid in the auction. Place your bid in whole dollars and click the orange

6. Complete your initial bid and monitor the bidding until the conclusion of the auction. You can raise your bid at any time.

If you choose Go Daddy's Proxy Bidding Service, you will be asked to enter the maximum amount you are willing to bid. Each time you are outbid, Go Daddy Auctions will automatically bid an amount $5 greater than the current highest bid on your behalf until you reach your maximum bid amount.

The auction will end Tuesday, September 18 at 4:02 pm Eastern Time.

Bidders may monitor the auction's progress in their Go Daddy
My Account area.

After the auction ends, the winning bidder will be notified by email with instructions on how to complete the purchase.

Please note: Browsers and search engines do not differentiate between capital and lower case letters in domain names. If you own, you also own and any other combination of capitals and lower case letters. Most domain registrars, including Go Daddy, automatically convert domain names into all lower case.

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